Love Life Miami – Top 3 Ways to Achieve Wellness South Florida

Love Life Miami!

Loving Life in Miami
Loving Life in Miami

Want to feel that you LOVE YOUR LIFE? Ready to get intense about feeling AMAZING? The fact is that it feels really good to FEEL REALLY GOOD!

The capacity to love life and experience it to the fullest may be within everyone.  However very few people know how to access that state in their daily life. This is likely because loving life and experiencing deep peace is actually a function of a few variables related to lifestyle.  Many are unaware of the effects these variable have on their reality and perceptions of the world.

Top 3 Ways to Love Life Miami!

1. Beach and Ocean Swimming
Go to the Beach! We are in Miami and we have the most beautiful beaches in the world…where people travel from all over the world to visit. It is very important to connect to nature as often as possible due to the benefits on the nervous system.  In other words it helps us relax and connect to our true self and intuition a bit better! Swimming in the ocean is truly a spiritual experience and very energetically cleansing!

2. Daily Yoga Practice
Practice Yoga Every Day! Come to our studio! Fred Busch’s Miami Yoga is about a daily Yoga practice that combines all the most important and authentic elements into an amazing yoga class that really satisfies a large spectrum of students.  From brand new beginners to intermediate practitioners, our studio is designed to deliver a huge range of benefits from physical wellness to mental benefits.   Another possible benefit relates to spiritual realization. A daily practice of Yoga is one of the best ways to demonstrate that you have love and respect and gratitude for your life! Miami Yoga teaches Fred Busch’s famous Hot Power Yoga system and guides students and clients to an integrated understanding of wellness including Nutrition and Meditation.

3. Awareness of Food
Be aware of your Diet! Food and mind are related! Just ask any kid who is fed sugar and then goes wild for a bit! Food affects mind…and mind effects reality.  In fact mind and perception determine our experience completely. And mind is affected by food in a very scientific chemistry kind of way! We can simply put more awareness to eating less animal foods and adding more plant foods especially fruits to our diet.  The more we do this, the more we may experience not just physical benefits but huge mental wellness benefits as well. Vegan or Vegetarian eating are recommended…vegan most recommended.  Benefits include weight loss or weight gain depending on what is needed!

What does it really mean to Love Life Miami residents? It means living the fullness of life in your beautiful city and enjoying every moment as a gift! The more we surrender the more we love our life and feel a deep peace throughout!

Miami Yoga, located in the Brickell section of Miami, is a Studio and Wellness Center dedicated to making the people of South Florida happier and healthier and more powerful! In other words we want you to LOVE LIFE! To us Loving Life is about feeling complete and fulfilled every moment.