Yoga for Insomnia and Anxiety

In a world where pressure and caffeine predominate in our daily lives, yoga has proven to be very useful to calm anxiety and stress. In fact, numerous asanas will help you calm down and fall asleep. So, keep reading if you want to know how yoga can help you relax and sleep better.

Relieve Your Anxiety by Doing Asanas

You can try different yoga asanas, to release the tension. It can help you to release negative energy and to be able to rest in a relaxed way.

Try different positions, such as Dhanurasana or bow posture, Janu Shirsasana or one-leg forward flexion, Setubandhasana or bridge pose, Paschimottanasana, or two-leg forward flexion.

You can also try the Hastapadasana pose or forward bend foot, or Adhomukha Shwanasana, also known as faced down dog.

Breathe With Pranayama and Relieve Anxiety

Stop paying attention to breathing. This can help to free your mind from the disorder of thoughts. And what produces anxiety, this can prevent you from falling asleep.

For this, you can use the Nadi Shodhan Pranayama or nasal breathing, a very effective alternative to release anxiety from the system, since breath is a longer form than inhalation.

Don’t Skip Meditation

An excellent idea to relax your mind, is to perform a few minutes of meditation every day, especially during the night. This will help to free your mind of tensions and possible anxieties. It can achieve a calm and restful sleep, which will be translated into a harmonious awakening and without shocks.

Apply Yoga to Your Life in General

Apply the principal yoga precepts to your life. They are simple but profound and will give you the secret to a healthy, happy life free of stress and anxiety. A great example of these principles are:

-The Santosha principle, which teaches you the value of joy.

-Then you have the Aprigraha principle that will help you not to feel greediness or desire to possess more things (a clear trigger of stress and anxiety).

-Finally, the Shaucha principle, which is used to clear the body and mind of negative energies.


For more information, you can check out this video >>> How to Sleep Better and Eliminate Insomnia that I made, to help all of us who have trouble sleeping. This video will help you eliminate insomnia forever!

Also, tell me if you’d like me to explain in detail any of these techniques.