Wynwood Yoga Teacher Training in Miami

Wynwood Yoga Teacher Training in Miami at Love Life Wellness Center

Our next Wynwood Yoga Teacher Training in Miami is at Love Life Wellness Center  is Directed by Fred Busch.  Next program in Miami will begin on June 16th.  There are two formats depending on schedule including 21 Days Intensive and Weekend Versions.  Both follow the same Yoga Alliance accredited Fred Busch Power Yoga Curriculum. 

Sample Class:

Introduction to Yoga and Yoga Philosophy 
What is Yoga? What is Vinyasa?  What is Power Yoga? What is Kundalini Yoga?  How do the many different styles of Yoga relate to each other?  What is Hatha Yoga? What is the ultimate goal of Yoga? How does Meditation relate to Yoga? This workshop will begin to answer these questions and many more as we begin to look into the historical background of Yoga and Tantra and then relate it to the present day movement of Yoga in the United States and around the world.

Wynwood Yoga Teacher Training Testimonial:

Dear Fred.

I cannot thank you enough for these 21 days of transformation I have experienced in all levels of my being. Sorry if my grammar is not perfect, I am writing straight from my heart (not from my head).

I would like to share this story,  It took me over 2 years to decide where to take my teacher training. My first encounter was Mano with whom I practiced yoga for a very long time and he constantly encouraged me to take it there but I wasn’t sure, even though I feel a deep appreciation for his teachings. Then when I practiced with Paul Touliuzis, whom I also admire, he also motivated me to take it there but still wasn’t quite convinced. Where I practice now, the Yoga Joint, which is convenient since it is close to my kids school and has heat, they also insisted I was ready for their training but still wasn’t convinced, because it lacks spirituality. I also saw other places.

Then I went to try one of your classes on December 21st, and right away I knew and felt this was what I was looking for all this time and registered  at the moment. After taking your class I knew I found all the elements I was looking for that other studios where lacking in my perception, either spirituality, safety, a practice that builds strengh, progressive asanas with heat to develop a stabe flexibility, precise and clear instructions, An acknowledgement to students during class, a personal touch, a practice based on a lineage, a balanced and well structured sequence, profound opening and closing meditations, a space with good energy and a feel of authenticity, a devoted teacher with no ego.   In few words I felt at home as a student and with the group at your class.

I feel so blessed I trainned with you. I am deeply deeply thankful for all that you taught me, every single thing brought me more awareness into myself which I believe is what yoga is about. I promise I will continue to grow and evolve these powerful seeds that you planted deeply on my soul.

Gracias de corazón

Yoga Teacher Training in Wynwood with Fred Busch