Why Are Enzymes Important?

The ultimate natural cure for many diseases is mostly related to the presence of enzymes in raw food. Enzymes can promote cellular health. They’re produced in the liver and pancreas.

The lack of these enzymes in processed and cooked foods can become a burden to our bodies. This can cause health problems and it’s a significant health issue.

However, enzymes are responsible for every single biochemical reaction that occurs in living matter. They can regulate all chemical reactions in the human body. Also, they are essential for the digestion of the three main types of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

We should get them from our daily diet. The body has to draw the necessary enzymes to digest cooked and/or processed food from the organs.

Types of Enzymes

There are more than 20 different enzymes. They allow the digestion of food and the assimilation of nutrients throughout the digestive system. But, in general, they can be classified into three groups:

-Digestive enzymes. They allow our organism to efficiently take advantage of the nutrients of the foods that make up the diet. 

-Metabolic enzymes. They are produced inside the cells of the body. Contributing to the elimination of waste substances and toxins. They are involved in the processes of obtaining energy, the regeneration of cells, and the proper functioning of our immune system.

-Dietary or food enzymes. They’re part of the raw food composition. Most enzymes are destroyed from the heat.

What Happens Enzymes Are Not Produced Enough?

These are some consequences when the organism does not produce certain digestive enzymes in adequate quantity:

-The digestion of nutrients is not complete and, consequently, a lack of nutritional deficit may occur.

-Without enough enzymes, our white blood cells try to duplicate the function of these missing enzymes, usually leaving one feeling tired or lethargic after eating.  A typical response to compromise the immune system.

-The lack of enzymes is also related to several skin problems, muscle, or joint pain, bloating, gas, discomfort, and even food allergies and intolerance.

-Without enzymes, our bodies do not properly break down food. For that reason, we do not absorb the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are the basis of optimal health.

-Natural enzymes from living food, work directly with the pancreatic enzymes of the body. When we don’t have an abundant supply, our digestion is impaired.

Where Can We Find Enzymes?

Most of the processed foods available in our supermarkets are void of enzymes. 

In fact, the more processed foods we eat, the fewer enzymes we have, and the more difficult it becomes to digest and assimilate the food we eat properly.

Fortunately, eating raw food and/or taking enzyme supplements can help to restore our health and maintain a state of optimal health. Raw foods, vegetables, and fruits provide us the enzymes we need for the proper functioning of the nutrients we consume every day.

Also, the consumption of ferments, sprouts, algae, seeds, and raw and fresh foods, are the perfect source to have the highest contribution of digestive enzymes. That is why it’s vital to include these foods in our daily diet.

If you want to know more about the importance of enzymes, check this link that has some helpful information.