Raw Foods Will Help You Lose Weight

In the simplest terms, you can lose weight by just lowering your carb intake, aka sugar, and increasing healthy fats, fruits, and whole grains or you can lose weight safely and sustainably over time by eating raw food diet.

When you start eating natural raw foods, maintaining a healthy body weight will no longer be a battle. This is possible thanks to a process we call satiation.

Satiation occurs during a meal. It’s that point at which you feel that you’ve had enough to eat and don’t desire anymore. My philosophy is that, as you start eating to lose some weight, you have to look for satiation.

Eating rich nutrients raw foods will help you reach that feeling of satiation due to the fiber these foods have. That is to say, you have to start eating foods such as:

• Versatile fruits such as blueberries, oranges, bananas, and avocados.

• Fresh, in-season vegetables.

• Soaked raw nuts and seeds, and

• Probiotic-rich foods such as raw sauerkraut and yogurt, to name a few.

The feeling of being full and satiated and of being satisfied are related, so people must make sure their meals are satisfying. My advice for those who are changing to a raw food diet is to use rich gourmet ingredients, which are great to make the transition as easy as possible. Then, they should try to enjoy the astonishing taste of raw food in its purest form! Over time, there will be no need to count any calories and nothing to feel guilty about, so maintaining a purely raw diet will come naturally.

Go to fredbuschliving.com to learn more about raw foods!