Motivational Monday: Attracting positivity into our lives.


Law of Attraction


Motivation is something everybody can use a little bit more of!

I would like to apologize for writing this late post but I would like to share some motivational knowledge for my wonderful followers which will hopefully inspire you to continue thriving for your goals throughout this week,month and eternity. Many forget that WE are the creators of our past, present and future.

This crucial mistake can make you feel as if you have no control over your life. But I am here to tell you that by visualizing into the future you can attract the goals you dearly desire. Essentially attuning your energy to the aspirations of the soul you can create YOUR future. How is that possible? Well I will give you a few methods that will help you get started.
-Write down what you desire in life, whether its long or short term
-Make sure to look at the list frequently in order to encode your desires into long term memory
⁃Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing/obtaining what you wish
⁃Every day remind yourself that you are working towards your goals
⁃What you think you attract, even the negative thoughts, our mind does not differentiate between positive or negative therefore its up to YOU to think as positively as you can, to attract what you truly wish into your life

Often times Individuals need motivation to continue accomplishing positive outcomes. Every Monday I will make sure you are motivated to continue striving for your goals. Remember that your mind is capable of anything, therefore thoughts become things.

Never limit yourself because every single soul in this universe is special. Think about it… you are HERE now, make all your wishes happen since you are endlessly powerful.