Healthy Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Healthy Weight Loss During Pregnancy

“Hey Fred I just wanted to say thank you for all your guidance and support. My OB told me that her goal for me is Healthy Weight Loss during pregnancy and thanks to you I am accomplishing this goal with ease!

Due to my BMI she wanted me to not actually gain any weight and to counter balance the “baby weight gain” with weight loss. Since switching to all plant based based as of last Saturday with the beginning of your Teacher Training, I have lost 7 pounds in a healthy manner that is safe for me.  I am very pleased with this results and is only been one week!

I haven’t been depriving myself or feeling hungry. I know yoga isn’t necessarily about weight loss but for me, I want to feel my best and be the best healthiest version of myself.

I appreciate your support so much. I just wanted to say thank you.”