Eat Vegan for Vanity

Vegan for Vanity

Eat smarter and more of a Vegan Style for VANITY!!! Why not… if your only reason to eat smarter is to look younger, have better skin, have brighter eyes, have a better toned body, and lose weight….fine!!! Whatever the intention is… is great!!!  Vegan style of eating means eating 100% plant based foods.  Of course this means no foods that come from an animal!  Fish is the same as all other meat. Milk and cheese and eggs are all avoided by the millions who benefit from a Vegan eating style!

It does NOT matter if you are trying to SAVE THE PLANET or if you are trying to SAVE YOURSELF!!!  The reason why you start a transformational process is never the most important part.  What is important is that you start taking just the first step and get on board that train of positive feedback cycle!  Anti-aging and feeling younger and better every day is what happens when we align our eating with nature a bit more!

In the end really they are the same because a species that is sick and infirm will not be able to create and maintain a healthy planet.  As we are more disconnected from Nature and become less well do to our misunderstanding of the subject of Nutrition we start to experience disease.   As we heal ourselves and feel great we can start to become more aware of everything else including the deeper dimensions of Yoga and states of enlightenment.

And as always i will remind that eating good alone is not enough… must be coupled with a REGULAR exercise regimen like swimming or Yoga.