The Human Body Can Heal Itself

It is NOT a good idea UNDERESTIMATE YOUR POWER and ability of your body to heal itself! Our lack of faith in our own capacities often put us in harms way as we seek solutions for things our body could have handled easily… if only we could give our body the HEALING ENVIRONMENT that it requires.

Body can Heal

Thus your body is LITERALLY ALWAYS HEALING ITSELF… as long as we let it by providing the correct ENVIRONMENT for the repairs to take place.

If we cut our skin we are able to WITNESS FOR OURSELVES the operation of the healing and repair operations of our body! If we give it the environment to heal by keeping it clean and leaving it alone it will heal… if we pick at the scratch every morning with a knife it WON’T!

The body wants to and IS ALWAYS trying to heal itself but if we continue to aggravate the situation by not addressing the cause then a different order of challenge is then confronted to RESTORE HEALTH, VITALITY and WELLBEING!!!