Top 3 Easy Ways to Beat Depression

Top 3 Easy Ways to Beat Depression
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How to beat depression
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Many people these days all over the world are experiencing depression, which is an experience of deflated energy, lack of hope, and or feelings of lack of connection or value in the world. Feelings of depression are experienced by all humans at certain times in life and generally just pass like all other phenomenon in a world where ‘the only constant is change’.
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However in many cases there seems to be a prolonged experience of lack of wellbeing and low energy and or feelings of sadness or any number of frequencies of mind that are associated with lack of mental wellness. This is often where Medical doctors will prescribe any number of psychotropic or other strong categories of pharmaceuticals in the attempt to bring wellness back to the mind.
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In some cases medication is indicated and helpful in allowing people to live productive lives. However in many cases medication is being prescribed in situations where these TOP 3 EASY WAYS TO BEAT DEPRESSION will be very effective in allowing the person the feel like a new person… and not just mentally…but physically also with a stronger and healthier body!
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Using these technologies of Exercise, Intelligent Eating (as best u can), and Awareness brings results not just mental health related…but also weight loss and so much many more benefits both physical and spiritual in nature.  Please join us at one of our Fred Busch’s Miami Yoga Studios!

Top Ways to Beat Depression

1. Get a Little More Exercise!

Exercise is proven to produce endorphins which are the  hormones/chemicals that produce subtle feeling of wellbeing in the mind.  Exercise make us feel good about ourselves as we accomplish goals and get stronger.  Exercise also is related to will power and mental strength because the body and mind are expressions of each other and a strong body reflects as a strong and stable mind!  In my opinion Yoga is the perfect exercise and our system of Fred Busch Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga delivers a great balance of all the important elements of exercise including Cardiovascular benefits, Strength, Range of Motion, Muscle Tone, and Twisting and Inverting for detox and glandular health!
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2.  Eat a Bit Better! 
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Eating poor foods that are fried or high in sugar or animal fats are not good for the mind actually!  Food affects the mind more than many of us care to recognize.  Sugar for example as found in candy and drinks and other refined foods (as opposed to sugar found in fruits which is very healthy) is a very dangerous substance.   Anybody who has kids has seen the effect sugar has on the brain with the ‘sugar rush’ where activity moves towards a frenzy… followed by the ‘sugar blues’ of feeling low and tired and spent.  A very good book actually is called Sugar Blues and is a required reading in our Yoga Nutrition Health Coach certification.
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3.  Awareness of Mind 
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Most of us believe that our mind is something that is not under our control and that our reality or experience in the world is a result of external factors… and our mind is one of the external factors that is not under our domain.  The truth of it is however that the mind is under your domain when you choose for it to be.  Whenever a thought arises that is not constructive or has a negative energetic field it is not necessary to be subjected to it as if you don’t have a choice not  to suffer.  Suffering is always optional because it is a choice to suffer.  The alternative is to simply bring awareness and a sense of humor to any thoughts that hold you back and watch how they dissolve and what stands revealed is the deep peace that was alway there!  One proven way to learn awareness and be able to use it to your benefit is the technique known as Meditation.
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