Suffering is Optional

Did you know that suffering is optional and not something you have to experience?
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Empower yourself with awareness and live a life of peace!!!!
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Suffering mentally is actually optional!  Believe it or not suffering is choice! Nobody needs to suffer mentally when they have awareness and an understanding about the way the mind creates our reality rather than our external circumstances. Most of us are conditioned to believe that our mental state meaning whether we are happy or sad or at peace is a function of our external environment.
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We are told that when the external circumstances in our lives are in our favor we will be mentally happy. We are told that when the external environment is challenging that we are reasonably going to be sad or uncomfortable mentally.

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The truth is that neither is correct because we always are in control of our mental state as long as we are aware that we can be. The key is to recognize how we are choosing to react to our external environment in one way or the other..and it is this choice that determines our mental state 100%
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One of the most important secrets to understand for mental and spiritual wellness is that nobody or nothing can hijack your internal space unless you give them permission.