Patanjali Yoga Sutras Instructions -03

Yoga in India

Patanjali is the author and compiler of what are known as the Yoga Sutras. There are 4 Chapters that comprise over 190 Sutras about how to attain liberation using the mind.  Patanjali describes the obstacles most of us face in the way of Enlightenment and then outlines many systems for overcoming or dissolving those obstacles.  This is a veritable instruction manual where formulas are codified that when employed always deliver the results.

In Sutra 1.2 Patanjali  says ‘Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodah’ which translates to ‘Yoga is experienced when the fluctuation of the mind have been suspended or controlled’.  This is explaining that Yoga is found in the present moment where we are free from thought.  Fluctuations of the mind is another way of saying ‘thoughts’ so when the mind is moving that is called thinking.

Thinking is always about the past or the future so they are not established in the present moment ever.  This is why thinking is the source of suffering.  Patanjali explains here that if we can inhabit that space when our thoughts have become still we will experience the deep peace and fearlessness that is the sign of the Yogi.

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