Massage Therapy for Yoga

unconditional love with massage skills

Massage Therapy for Yoga Teachers

The ability to heal others is often through a capacity to deliver unconditional love through the hands!! I love teaching people both the theory and practical skills to help people to truly relax and activate their parasympathetic healing nervous system!! I love helping others and I love even more teaching people to help others!! What a blessing to work in the healing arts!!!

Many Yoga Teachers are very good at teaching alignment or some of the more technical aspects of the yoga practice.  However i have found in my experience that the very best teachers are the ones who deeply love their students with a quality of unconditional love.  Unconditional love has a way of helping the students or others in ours lives to feel more connected and less alone.  With this environment people are able to relax and let their healing systems emerge more powerfully.

The final skill however is the ability to impart that unconditional loving energy through the hands so that the students can actually feel the energy.  The eyes are very good at transmitting this energy field but really only the hands and physical touch can deeply affect the nervous system… or at least so so in the most efficient way!   Our Yoga Teacher Trainings focus on the massage therapy skills and techniques for yoga teachers to allow that healing energy to be felt and experienced by the students who then recognize that their teacher has their highest interest in mind…. wellbeing!!!