Childhood Obesity Prevention

Weight Gaining FoodsChildren being fed poorly is an epidemic in america.  Malnourished but overfed and overweight kids are very common in the schools of the united states.  Chilhood obesity and childhood diabetes are mostly preventable and need to be considered as an unatural state for humans.  Allowing kids to eat whatever they wish is not a good policy since kids are not old enough to appreciate the principles of nutrition and the relationship between food and wellbeing and productivity. 

Feeding children meat and sugar and fried foods and fast foods is the best way to plant the seeds for disaster in the next generation.  Kids need to be treated as sacred beings and now allowed to be eating like scavengers like vultures.  Kids will eat what the parents eat and once they get hungry will eat fruit and enjoy more intelligent foods.

The best way to have success with children is to always have fruit available and within their reach.  When fruit is in the actual reach of children they will naturally be inclined to eat it and then they will not have sugar cravings that must be satisfied with foods that cause weight gain like those that contain what are known as ’empty calories’ for example candy and cookies.

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