Ahimsa means Love more than Non-Violence

Considering it is the foundation of Yoga and Vedic spirituality it is too bad that the word ‘AHIMSA’ is to some degree MISTRANSLATED.

Everywhere we look we see the Sanskrit word ‘AHIMSA’ to mean ‘non-violence’ or ‘not causing harm’.

As i study deeper and read about how MASTERS interpret this word i have come to appreciate that AHIMSA actually means LOVE.

AHIMSA is LOVE for all beings. Can we imagine hurting something that we LOVE? Is impossible. When we feel the kind of unconditional love for all living beings that GOD might feel…then causing hurt or killing is impossible.

I appreciate this difference very much because ‘NON-VIOLENCE’ and ‘NOT-HARMING’ are the rule yes…but they are really the effect of a high level of consciousness and a feeling of LOVE for all living beings that can not be shaken.