Aging vs Anti-Aging – How to keep body young!


Nature and Anti-Aging

‘That is what happens when u get older’ is a quote I hear all the time to describe lots of things that happen to people as years pass!

But getting older is not the culprit! What we should be saying is ‘That is what happens when we stop exercising everyday and eat garbage for years on end!’

I can destroy a brand new car in one hour if I wanted to and I can keep one in perfect condition if I know how to maintain it!

Let us please not resign ourselves to believing that age is responsible for the deterioration we see around us when it is the least of the factors!

No exercising plus eating dead animals and destroyed food = premature aging and symptoms of disease of all manner!  This is basic integrative nutrition!  Nutrition knowledge must account for chemistry and physiology and biology knowledge in an integrated and scientific way!

Want to stay youthful? Eat more fruit and raw vegan foods and NEVER TAKE A DAY OFF EXERCISE EVER AGAIN 🙂  Raw Vegan Recipes are available in my book A Clear and Definite Path!